Ho ho ho, het is bijna kerst. In Nederland doen we er niet zo veel aan. Maar daar is in SL niets van te merken. Alles ziet er prachtig uit en hier is het zeker wit met de kerst. En iedereen verkeert in geweldige stemming. Ik probeer zoveel mogelijk plekken te bezoeken en maak zoveel mogelijk foto's. Fijn kerstfeest allemaal!
Ho ho ho, christmas time. We don't celebrate this too much in Holland, but we make it all up in SL. I will try to visit as much places as possible and to make pics of it. Everybody is in such a nce mood.Take a look at this picture, who would not fall in love with this cool guy that sits on Santa's lap :)
Merry Christmas to you all!
Ho ho ho, christmas time. We don't celebrate this too much in Holland, but we make it all up in SL. I will try to visit as much places as possible and to make pics of it. Everybody is in such a nce mood.Take a look at this picture, who would not fall in love with this cool guy that sits on Santa's lap :)
Merry Christmas to you all!